Text Colors
Background - the background color for text.
To choose a color
press the button from the right side of the field 
Foreground - the foreground color for text |
Symbol Colors
Background - the background color for symbol.
choose a color press the button from the right side of the field 
Foreground - the foreground color for symbol (contract) |
Net Change Colors
Positive - text color for positive net change. To choose a
color press the button from the right side of the field 
Negative - text color for negative net change |
Highlight Colors
Apply Highlight - enables or disables the use o highlight
Background - the color of background for the highlighted item
Foreground - the color of the foreground for the highlighted item |
Low to Last - the color of background from last to low. To
choose a color press the button from the right side of the field 
Last to High - the color of background from last to high
Open - the color of arrow that shows opening price |
Enables or disables scaled printing.
Font Size
To change the font size, you can type the new font size into the editor or use the two buttons from the left and right
side (
) to decrease/increase
the font size.
Mouse Events
Double click a contract - you can choose one of the following:
Edit - will edit the selected contract
Chart - will trigger a Chart frame for selected contract
Options - will trigger an Options frame for selected contract
Will show the opening range instead of opening price.
Will show the tool-tip in for Bid, Ask and Size.
This options result is presented in the figure below.
"Apply" button - this will change the previous setting with the actual settings for this opened frame
"Apply to All" button - the settings will be set to all opened frames
"Default for New" button - the settings will be set as default for all new frames
"Cancel" button - the change in setting will be ignored |