Charts Key Bindings

In the "Charts" frame the following key bindings are available:

Alt + N New chart
Alt + M New imported data chart
Alt + O New overlay chart
Alt + L Reload
Alt + S Swap primary with overlay
Alt + E Edit overlay synchronization
Alt + I Indicators
Alt + C Contract details
Alt + Left Arrow Decrease gap
Alt + Right Arrow Increase gap
Alt + G Best fit
Alt + Num Pad - Decrease font
Alt + Num Pad + Increase font
Alt + S Snap mode
Alt + W Switch mode (switch on/off info box)
Alt + D Tabular data
Alt + T Toggle tool-tip
Alt + J Save as image (JPEG, PNG)
Alt + Backspace Print
Alt + P Properties
Alt + V Video Help
Alt + H, Alt + F1 Help
Left Arrow Scroll one bar to the left
Right Arrow Scroll one bar to the right
Ctrl + Left Arrow Place a buy order
Ctrl + Right Arrow Place a sell order
Alt + F Flatten at market
Alt + R Reverse at market
Alt + B Cancel buy orders
Alt + S Cancel sell orders
Alt + A Cancel all orders
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