Options Chain Properties

Properties dialog for "Options Chain" contains two sections: Look and Futures.


Prices Odd rows colors

Background - the background color for odd rows. To choose a color press the button from the right side of the field

Foreground - the text color for odd rows

NC negative - the text color of Net Change if it's negative for odd rows

NC positive - the text color of Net Change if it's positive for odd rows

Prices Even rows colors

Background - the background color for even rows

Foreground - the text color for even rows

NC negative - the text color of Net Change if it's negative for even rows

NC positive - the text color of Net Change if it's positive for even rows


Background - the background color for strikes

Foreground - the text color for strikes

Highlight colors

Background - the background color for highlight prices

Foreground - the text color for highlight prices


Strikes - the alignment for the strikes

Prices - the alignment for the prices


From "Font" you can change the font size. You can also specify if you want bolded fonts or not.

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Futures Columns

From "Futures Columns" you can choose what columns do you want to see in the futures table. In this section are two lists: "Available" and "Displayed".


"Apply" button - this will change the previous setting with the actual settings

"Apply to All" button - this will change the previous setting with the actual settings for all the options frames

"Default for New" button - the settings will be set as default

"Cancel" button - the change in setting will be ignored

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