Server Configuration Wizard

In order to skip / cancel this configuration wizard (if applicable), you should press the Skip Server Configuration button.

If you chose to select Next in the Welcome screen, you will be redirected to your eINFOline configuration screen. As mentioned in the dialog, you should not change these settings unless you have been specifically instructed to do so.

In the next screen, you can configure your Order Entry connection.

First of all, you have to provide the Server you want to connect to by specifying the Host and the Port number. In the Login section you have to provide the login credentials such as Provider, User Name, Password and Firm ID. These should be provided by your FCM / Broker. Note: The User Name and Password are not the same as the ones used to log into the application itself.

The last step confirms you that the parameters have been successfully set and we are ready to connect to the eINFOline / Order Entry server when you press Next.

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